Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week of September 5-7

Grade 4 Weekly Newsletter
September 5-7

Students will learn how to recommend books to each other and will be encouraged to follow these steps.
  1. Think about the person who wants a book recommendation and ask themselves:  “What do I know about that person’s reading life?” 
  2. Choose a book for that person and tell them why they think this book might be a perfect fit for them. 
  3. Summarize a bit of the story, highlighting the part the reader will like.
  4. Read a tiny excerpt from the book to reveal something enticing about the book.
  5. Readers will also learn that there are various systems to identify just-right books to ensure that they always have something to read. We will look at how our classroom library is organized and brainstorm more ways we can put books on display to encourage readers to browse different genres.

Lesson 8: Introducing Ourselves to Books
Lesson 9: Choosing Texts that Matter

Essential Questions
  • How can I take charge of my reading life?
  • What strategies best support and strengthen reading comprehension?
This week writers will be learning how to plot their realistic fiction stories. They will use a story arc to help them escalate problems and build suspense. Writers will be encouraged to plan several different story arcs before choosing the one that speaks to them to the most. Below is an example of a story arc model also known as a story mountain.

Once writers have chosen the story arc they want to follow, students will learn to create a scene. They will choose one scene to write out in detail. Students will be encouraged to use a line of dialogue to make characters talk and describe the action taking place. They will want to make their characters come to life by making their characters move and react physically to what is going on in the scene.

This week’s lessons:
Lesson 5: Plotting with a Story Arc
Lesson 6: Show, Don’t Tell: Planning and Writing Scenes

Essential Questions
  • How can I write long and strong and with independence?
  • How can I write a fiction story that is similar to published short stories and picture books?
We are continuing Module 1 in Math. This module is where students extend their work with whole numbers. They develop their understanding of place value and number patterns of ten times. 

Essential Questions:
  • What strategies can be used to compare multi-digit whole numbers?
  • How do patterns in our number system help in understanding mathematics?
  • How can strategies be used to solve multistep word problems?
  • How can the reasonableness of a solution be determined?

Here is the LINK to the Growth Mindset video we began to watch at Back To School Night. We suggest you watch it with your child and discuss what might create a positive math classroom at school. How can you build a positive math relationship with your child?

The lessons are as follows for this week:

Topic C: Rounding Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

Lesson 1: Round multi-digit numbers to the thousands place using the vertical number line.
Lesson 2: Round multi-digit numbers to any place using the vertical number line.

Lesson 3: Use place value understanding to round multi-digit numbers to any place value using real world applications.

This week in our magnets and electricity unit we will continue looking into magnets. We will do labs that examine why magnets can attract and repel. We will also look at the types of materials that are attracted to magnets and those that are not. We will then look at magnets that appear naturally in nature - the lodestone. 

Essential Questions:
  • What is magnetism?
  • What is electricity?
  • What do scientists do when working in a lab?
  • How are magnetism and electricity related?
Grade 4 Homework:
Daily homework tasks will be written into student planners each day. Tasks may include reading for 20-30 minutes per night, writing for 10 minutes per night along with additional mathematics work. Homework may differ according to teachers and students. Any mathematics homework that students find challenging please advise their homeroom teacher so they can progress accordingly. Homework is not meant to be impossible, challenging for students to grow their brains, but not impossible!

Upcoming Events 
  • Sept. 5 - Students return to school (No assembly).
  • Sept. 5 - ASA Session 1 schedules sent by e-mail.
  • Sept. 6 -  Will be a Sunday schedule. Please help your child be prepared.
  • Sept. 10-14 - ES Photos Week (more information coming)
  • Sept. 11 - Principal's Coffee - Challenge and Enrichment informational session.
  • Sept. 11, 13, and 18 - Grade 4 MAP testing dates. 
    • Sept. 11 - Language Usage
    • Sept. 13 - Reading
    • Sept. 18 - Math
  • Sept. 21 (subject to change) - Holiday Islamic New Year  No school for students.
  • September 28th - Student health records due. If records have not been received students cannot attend school on September 22nd.

After School Activities
More than 270 students signed up for activities, WOW !!
Schedules of confirmed activities will be sent to parents by e-mail on Tuesday Sep. 5 at the end of the day.
If you have missed the sign up, please check the list of activities link below and e-mail Ms. Ereeny (
egergess@cacegypt.org) to check available activities.

Click here for the :Session 1 list of activities
Click here for the : ASA Web. Site

Counseling Corner

Guidance Update: Empathy for Others

In guidance we are learning what it means to “walk in someone else’s shoes”.  Through various discussions and activities the students were able to “experience” someone else’s thoughts and feelings. The students shared personal experiences and we talked a great deal about empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and to feel what someone else is feeling.

We have also discussed how our words can greatly impact another person’s feelings, thoughts and behavior.  We cannot see our words, yet words are very powerful. Saying unkind things, teasing or laughing at someone can have lasting effects on how a person feels about him or herself. We listened to the song, “Don’t Laugh at Me”, written by Steven Seskin and Alan Shamblin.  This song has a powerful message! Click above to see the video from home.

The students discussed how they want everyone to feel at CAC. They made plans for helping each other feel happy and good about themselves.  Here are some of the ideas the students came up with:

Ask someone who is alone to eat lunch with you
Stand up for someone who is being teased
If someone is sad, tell that person they are important
Tell her not to listen to the mean words because everyone is special.
Give someone a compliment

Home School Connection: Ask your child what it means to “walk in someone else’s shoes”.

Carey Harris                                  Dana Purpura
Guidance Counselor                     School Counselor
charris@g-cacegypt.org               dpurpura@g-cacegypt.org

Repeat Announcements
Student Leadership Opportunity - repeat announcement
Students who are in grades 2 through 5 have an opportunity to apply for ES Student Leadership.  This is a great way for them to show their leadership skills and support the community.  If you feel that your child would be interested in applying please read this Letter and have them fill out the Application and return it to their teacher by Thursday, September 7th.
Tuesday Swim School
It is not too late to sign up for Tuesday Swim School! Tuesday Swim School will begin on Sep. 12. We teach American Red Cross levels 1, 2 & 3 as well as offering classes in springboard diving! This is a great place to get more practice and time in the water.More information can be found here. To sign up, please use this form.

Pool Rental
The Hassan/Webb Aquatics Center is available for your event. If you are interested, please email Coach Matt at
mlautenbach@cacegypt.org to schedule. A quick reminder that any rental needs to be scheduled around open swim and CAC program times.
MAP Assessment Information
Dear CAC Parent:
At the beginning of the year, teachers spend important time learning about their students.  One feature of this is gathering data about your children’s instructional level for reading, mathematics and language.  
During the weeks of Sep.5 – Sep. 28, CAC will administer Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®).   At CAC, all students in grade 3 – 9 participate in MAP.  Three tests are taken:  reading, mathematics, and language usage.  Each division coordinates which days testing will take place for their students to ensure minimal classroom disruption.  This year, testing will take place after Eid.  

At CAC, we administer the MAP in the fall and spring.   Teachers use MAP tests to provide additional information about the student’s instructional level and to provide one measure of academic growth throughout the school year, and from year to year.  Students take the tests on a computer.

MAP tests are informational; they are not a graded assessment.  Teachers will use the information provided by MAP to support instructional needs for individual students and the class as a whole.  Fall scores are baselines for a student’s growth; growth will be determined after the spring tests that take place in May.  It is important that students child approach each test seriously, well rested, fed and focused.  Nonetheless, it is not something about which students should be overly stressed or worried.

MAP tests are unique in that they adapt to be appropriate for the level of learning of each student.  As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing.
Following both testing periods, parents will receive a report showing their child’s performance.  All prior testing sessions while at CAC will be included.  Unfortunately, MAP does not include testing session from other schools to be included.

For more information on resources for parents, download the Parent Toolkit at www.nwea.org >> Partner Support.  Please let me, your principal or your child’s teacher know if you have any questions.

David Chadwell  (dchadwell@cacegypt.org)
Director of Teaching and Learning
Cairo American College

From the Health Office
Please remember to complete an updated Annual Student Information form for 2017 - 2018 school year. If you have more than one child attending CAC, please complete a form for each. Students entering grades 3, 6 and 9 also require a medical examination completed by a physician.
Please find the Annual Student Information Form 17-18: HERE and the Student Medical Exam Form 2017/18: HERE. You can also pick them up from the Health Office.

Student Leadership Team
This year’s Student Leadership Team will be coordinated by Ms. Ereeny, Mrs. J, and Mrs. Kasal. We will have 2 representatives (one male and one female) from each class for the first half of the year (Sept-Dec) and 2 different reps for the second part of the year (Jan-June.). If your child is interested, please read the LETTER and fill out the APPLICATION form. All applications are due by Thursday, Sept. 7. Students will also need to prepare a 1-2 minute speech for your class. Interested applicants will need to present the speech and each class will vote between Sept. 8th and Sept. 14th. Each class will need a team representative and alternate for each semester.

From the Health Office 
Please remember to complete an updated Annual Student Information form for 2017 - 2018 school year. If you have more than one child attending CAC, please complete a form for each. Students entering grades 3, 6 and 9 also require a medical examination completed by a physician.
 All forms are due the first week of school in August.
Please find the Annual Student Information Form 17-18: HERE and the Student Medical Exam Form 2017/18: HERE.
You can also pick them up from the Health Office.

Lost & Found
Lost and found is displayed on tables outside the Playground Monitors office. Valuables are held in the Activities Office 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. You may email
egergess@cacegypt.org if you have lost something valuable (phone, jewelry, glasses, etc.). Unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the school year. Please ensure that your child’s belongings are clearly labeled.
Part of educating students at CAC is encouraging independence through increasing responsible behaviors. When an item is lost, we encourage students to do the following:
  • Look everywhere
  • Ask others
  • Ask parents to report to the lost and found link - LOST AND FOUND Report LINK
  • Use the same link to report when the item is found
From the ES Library
Welcome back from the library!
It’s been great to welcome back returning students to the library and greeting new ones. We’ve been hearing a lot about what students have read this summer -- it helps that we have been giving out popsicles after school to students who come to tell us about their reading this week. We are sneaky librarians, muaa ha ha!

Library bags
All students need a library bag to transport books home and back to school. The bag must be made of cloth, be large enough to fit at least 2 books and must be labeled with the child’s name. Please please please, keep library bags and materials away from swim bags and water bottles. If a student turns in a water damaged book, he or she will need to pay to replace it.

Hello from Aquatics
PE Swim Class
We are off to a good start in our PE swim classes. A quick reminder to make sure your child is fully prepared for class. This means suit, towel and swimming goggles that fit! We also request that students with longer hair either have a hair tie or swimming cap to keep their hair out of their eyes.
CAC’s School Store is Being Taken Over By The Booster Club! 
CAC’s Booster Club is pleased to announce the NEW  Booster Spirit Store.  This will be THE place to get your new PE uniforms, school supplies, and CAC spirit wear. Located behind CafĂ© Greco, you will find a new and larger store with parent volunteers happy to assist you in finding what you need for a fresh new start to school 2017-18!
August Store Hours: Aug 16 - 30  7:45 AM - 12 noon; 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM  
(no weekends)
Expect great new things from the NEW Booster Club Spirit Store next school year!  (Wanna be a volunteer? Find a link in your school newsletter!).

As we are in a year of transitioning over to our new Physical Education uniforms both will be able to be worn for classes this school year.

New HOT LUNCH Vendor! 

We are very excited to welcome Richoux to serve our elementary students a nutritious hot lunch four days a week in the ES Lunchroom from Sunday to Thursday for LE 38 & fresh juice LE 7 except for MONDAYS. Mondays  alternate  between Koshari and juice for LE 25 and Pizza  1 slice 20 LE, 2 slices 25LE, 3 SLICES 30 LE WITH JUICE AND COOKIE. Cash only on Mondays, other days lunch cards must be purchased.

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