Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week of October 29 - November 2

Grade 4 Weekly Newsletter
October 29 - Nov. 2

This week students will learn to build a larger understanding of their books. They will be encouraged to make interpretations as readers by adding up all the parts or elements of a story. They will consider the setting, recurring objects or images, the plot, mood/feelings and parts that connect to each other. They will ask themselves, “What might the life lesson be? They will try to use details from across a text to generate bigger ideas or themes. To help them do that students will stop and write long in their reading notebooks using the following sentences starters:
> In life…
> Sometimes …
> It’s important to…
> It’s hard to

This week’s lessons:
Lesson 14: Looking beyond Characters: Studying Other Elements of Story
Lesson 15: Looking through Many Lenses at Not Just a Scene - But at the Whole Story So Far
Lesson 16: Connecting Thoughts to Build Interpretations

Essential Questions
  • How do story events affect characters?
  • How and why do readers track how their characters change over time?
  • How do readers share and grow ideas with others?

In this last bend of our unit, students will take their first steps away from personal opinions, which cannot truly be proven on the basis of evidence, to persuasive writing, in which the relevancy, sufficiency, and validity of the evidence is critical, and how you use the evidence an art. Students will work on gathering evidence from outside sources and unpack that evidence to connect it to their reasons and claim to construct a tightly focused argument. This will ready them to take the leap from opinion writing to argument writing next year.

This week’s lessons:
Lesson 16: Moving from Personal to Persuasive
Lesson 17: Persuasive Inquiry into Essay
Lesson 18: Letter to Teachers: Broader Evidence
Lesson 19: Connecting Evidence, Reason, and Thesis

Essential Questions
  • How can I use my ideas to develop an essay which is well-organized and persuasive?
  • How can I become more independent?

This week we will be continuing Module 3: Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division

Essential Questions:

  • What strategies can be used to compare multi-digit whole numbers?
  • How do patterns in our number system help in understanding mathematics?
  • How can strategies be used to solve multistep word problems?
  • How can the reasonableness of a solution be determined?
  • How are multiplication and division related?

The lessons are as follows for this week:

Lesson 1: Use multiplication, addition, or subtraction to solve multi-step word problems, including multiplicative comparisons.
Lesson 2: Use multiplication, addition, or subtraction to solve multi-step word problems, including multiplicative comparisons.
Lesson 3: Mid Module Assessment
Lesson 4: Assessment Reflection
Lesson 5: Solve division word problems with remainders.

Parent Tip Sheets: Topic A, Topic B, Topic C, Topic D.

Here is the LINK to the Growth Mindset video we began to watch at Back To School Night. We suggest you watch it with your child and discuss what might create a positive math classroom at school. How can you build a positive math relationship with your child?
Social Studies: Connections with History
Essential Question:
  • How do geography and people connect to build a nation?
We will be finishing up our map making activities this week. Students have made a physical map, an American tribal sites map, and a natural resources map. We will then talk about the maps, looking at where and why the tribes settled where they did. We will also talk about how the tribes used the available resources in the area that they settled.

Grade 4 Homework:
Daily homework tasks will be written into student pl anners each day. Tasks may include reading for 20-30 minutes per night, writing for 10 minutes per night along with additional mathematics work. Homework may differ according to teachers and students. Any mathematics homework that students find challenging please advise their homeroom teacher so they can progress accordingly. Homework is not meant to be impossible, challenging for students to grow their brains, but not impossible!

Guidance News– How to Be Assertive
“Don’t be a monster. Don’t be a mouse. Be assertive. Be YOURSELF!” – Dr. Pat Palmer
This week students will practice assertiveness skills.  Assertiveness means standing up for personal rights in direct, honest and respectful ways.

Students will learn the 3 ways people tend to act in order to get their needs met. Passive behavior (like a mouse) includes ignoring the problem or being unclear with personal rights, needs or wants. Passive behavior is disrespectful of personal rights and needs. Aggressive behavior (like a monster) includes yelling or demanding behavior. Aggressive behavior is disrespectful towards others. Assertiveness is the balance between passive and aggressive behavior. With assertive communication there is respect for others and for personal rights and needs.
Assertive behavior includes:
1.     Facing the person you are talking to
2.     Keep your head up and shoulders back
3.     Use a calm, firm voice
4.     Use respectful words that start with an “I” statement. Such as, “I am having a hard time concentrating. Please stop talking while the teacher is talking.”

Upcoming Events
·   Sunday, Oct. 29th - Storytelling workshop for parents (8:30 am - 9:30 am, 1st floor Common Room)
·   Monday, Oct. 30th - Early Release Day (All students dismissed at 11:30 am)
·   Tuesday, Oct. 31st - House event assembly, (7:55 am - 8:25 am). Parents are welcome.
·   Wednesday, Nov. 1st - Monday schedule (After school activities remain as a Wednesday)
·   Wednesday, Nov. 1st - 21st Century Libraries for Parents: Digital Citizenship (8:00 am to 9:00 am, MHS Library)
·   Wednesday, Nov. 1st - Parent MAP Session (9:00 am - 9:30 am, MS Room 115)
·   Tuesday, Nov. 7th - ES Assembly - 5K (7:55 am - 8:25 am, ES Hall)

Core Value
The Core Value for October is Responsibility.

CAT4 Results
Dear Grade 4 Parents,
On Monday, October 30 the individual student results of the CAT4 will be distributed and sent home. The letter provides a brief explanation of your child's results as well as sample questions.  An information session for parents will take place on Wednesday, November 1 at 9:30 am in Middle School 115.

Thank you for your continued support.
David Chadwell
Director of Teaching and Learning

MAP Parent Information Session
We will hold a Parent Information Session on MAP Testing and Results on Wednesday, November 1 at 9:00 - 9:30 in Middle School 115.

We will discuss interpreting individual reports, look at recent results for CAC, and answer any questions.
David Chadwell
Director of Teaching and Learning

Counseling Corner
Positive Discipline
A hot topic among psychologist, educators and parents revolves around the possible effects of technology on children and adults. While we want to make sure that our children are keeping up with technology we also want to make sure that their interpersonal skills are developing appropriately. Positive Discipline has included some very practical ideas on how to support a balance between technology and healthy interpersonal growth.  Limit Screen Time

Carey Harris Dana Purpura
Guidance Counselor School Counselor

ES Library
21st Century Libraries for Parents: Digital Intelligence
Santha Kumar, CAC’s Director of IT, will be repeating his presentation on digital intelligence and how to foster it in our children. We will be repeating this session on Wednesday, November 1, 8:00 to 9:00 am in the MHS Library. All are welcome.

ES Library Closed this Monday afternoon
The ES library will be closed this Monday, October 30, at 12 noon as the staff will be attending meetings on this Early Release Day.

Kenn Nesbitt Author Visit - November 7 to 9
Poet and performer Kenn Nesbitt will be visiting CAC from November 7 to 9. He will be presenting sessions with all the ES grade levels and with the MS language arts classes. He will present to the whole ES on Thursday, 7:55 am to 8:25 am, in the ES Hall. Parents are welcome!

From Aquatics
Cairo Challenge Series
We will be awarding medals to the top 3 male and female finishers in each grade at the beginning of our next house event the morning of October 31.

Age Group Swimming Invitational
The Age Group Invitational is coming soon! We will be hosting other schools at CAC on November 10 & 11. This year, 8 and under swimmers will once again have their events on Friday afternoon. They will be joined by those 9 and over swimmers doing 200 and 400 meter events. The remainder of the 9 and over events are on Saturday. All details can be found here.

Time Trial Results
Great job to all swimmers at last week’s time trials! Results can be found here.

Age Group Awards will be held Tuesday, November 14 from 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm in the main gym.

Softies and Extended Season are back this year, but with some changes. We will be combining these two programs and extending the option to join to Grade 3 this year. Instead of doing it at night after JV and Varsity practice, Softies will be a part of the ASA program. Practices will be Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, from 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm. Two days are required, though swimmers are able to attend all three if they choose. This is open to swimmers in Grade 3 and up that have completed at least one season of Age Group swimming. Please sign up through the upcoming ASA signups for trimester 2. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Coach Matt at
After School Activities
Mark your calendars
Session​ ​​1 ends on the week of November 5 - 9. All parents are most welcome to watch/join their children’s last day/s of the activities during this last week. This does not apply to Production. If your child is in production, please review this link for the Production Timeline

Session​ ​​2​ coming up!
Sign up open on the ASA website during the week of November 12-18 (open for ​7​​​ days​ including a weekend​)
Schedules e-mailed to parents on Tuesday, November 2​1
Session begins on the week of November 26
Click here for the ASA Website
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Activities Coordinator, Ms. Ereeny (

Repeated Announcements
After School Activities
Two more weeks! before we end this current session of activities. Thank you to those who submitted the quick feedback form. We love to hear your feedback so we can always improve this program. Please click on this quick  Feedback Link
Tortoise Club
We would Love to hear your questions, comments and information about the Tortoises in the enclosure. Please click the link below to share any interesting information or ask any questions:
Those will be will be reviewed by Mr. Said and the club members and will be published in the Tortoise Club web. page.
Link to the :Tortoise Club Page

International Festival
The International Festival is one of our main fundraising events of the year. It is scheduled to take place on March 16, 2018. If you’d like to volunteer and help us make this year's International Festival a success, please send an email to Kourtney LaGesse at

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